Tuesday, September 18, 2012

40 greatest photos taken and Touching People

Justin Lane-Pool
What made me choose this photo was that he's at the tenth anniversary of 9/11 and he's is kneeling down on the thing where it shows the people that died. The guy in this photo, his son had died in the 9/11 accident and he's there at the tenth anniversary ceremonies. I think this photo made the top 40 because it was heart touching because of the accident.  

Mark Pardew

I chose this photo because he is giving the animal some water and helping it. He set this photo to show what kind people do to animals when their in need. I think this photo made the top 40 because it's inspiring to people that actually care about animals and don't abuse them.

Aaron Thompson
I picked this photo also because the kid is crying and is getting the american flag for his dads death. They set it up to show the emotion of the kid when his father that had died. I think this photo made the top 40 because its sad about what had happened to the kid and its a great photo.

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